Entry #5 mayhem


 Mayhem can come at any time, any place so it’s best to stay protected by insurance Allstate ads show

just that. The audience in these Allstate ads are unprotected drivers and people without health insurance.

The author wants the audience to experience how getting insurance is the best way to protect yourself at

all times. In these ads the narrator goes through life unbothered fro mayhem because he is protected.

The lifestyle of these Allstate advertisements tries to promote an unprotected reckless lifestyle and

how it can be fixed by insurance. Even though the ad is discussing a serious matter these advertisements

are funny to the audience. The narrator is a man that is supposed to be protected from Mayhem and he

goes around doing reckless things but at the end of the day he is protected he makes funny remarks

during the ad so it makes it funny I can watch Allstate advertisements all day. It draws the audience in

with a short funny clip that reveals a strong message.


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